The world of education has undergone a revolution in the past few decades; with the advancement in technology, the learning process has changed, and now students are taught how to learn instead of only being told. It is this change that is going to change the face of the industry shortly and change the way we live our lives.

With the current educational system, students are being taught to learn through memorization and rote memorization. The goal is to give students the answers instead of teaching them how to find them.

There is a reason why some schools have been closed down and replaced with charter schools. When we teach our children how to memorize, they don’t know how to think and solve problems. We need to rethink the way we educate students.

Our world today is different from what it was ten years ago. We’re all becoming much more globalized and educated. The internet, TV, social media, and cell phones have allowed us to know everything in just a few hours or minutes. We don’t have to spend a month or a year studying our school subjects; we can get information through the internet and read about topics that we would never have gotten an education in at school. There are so many things available to us it’s almost impossible for us to take all the time we need to do them properly. This makes it important to be well-educated.

What is education?

Education is imparting knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and behavior. It is the process of transmitting an individual’s acquired information and skills to another individual or a group.

In the early years, education was focused on learning facts by memorization and repetition. However, education has evolved into something much more than that.

The problem with the current education system is that students are being taught to learn through memorization and rote memorization. The goal is to give students the answers instead of teaching them how to find them.

How does it affect you?

You may have heard the term “cognitive load” being thrown around, but you probably don’t know what it means.

Cognitive load measures the mental capacity needed to complete a task.

It’s a measurement of the amount of information a person can process.

For example, imagine you’re watching a movie that takes two hours to finish. That’s a lot of time.

If you add another task to watch a TV show, you’ll feel a little “swamped”.

However, if you feel less overwhelmed watching a movie and then immediately watch the same movie on Netflix, you reason ws that the first movie is a “cognitive load” and the second is a “repetition”.

How can you use it?

There is no shortage of resources available on the internet. But what if I told you that you could learn something from just about any source?

The best way to use this information is to search for the topic that interests you. You will most likely find the information you’re looking for by searching for keywords.

For example, if you’re interested in learning about education, search for “history of education” and “how education changed.” This will take you to articles, books, and blogs.

After finding the information that interests you, you can skim through the articles to see if anything hasn’t already been said. You can also look through the books to see if there is anything that you haven’t already learned.

And then, you can look at the blogs to see if anything hasn’t already been mentioned.

Why it matters?

A student who doesn’t know how to think and solve problems is disadvantaged when competing in today’s world.

I’ve been teaching myself programming languages for the past three years. I have the basics down and can read a lot of tutorials, but I’m still at a loss when it comes to programming anything.

While I can write a basic program, I have zero ideas about making it efficient or robust.

I know how to program but don’t learn how to program well.

I wish I could go back and learn how to code properly.

Frequently asked a question about education is important

Q: What do you need to do to win the lottery?

A: You need to buy a ticket.

Q: If you buy a ticket and win the lottery, what would you do with the money?

A: You have a choice: 1) Give it away or 2) Keep it.

Q: Why would you give it away?

A: Because I am a giving person.

Q: Do you think that you will win the lottery?

A: I don’t believe in luck, but I do believe in winning.

Q: What do you mean by winning?

A: I mean that I’m going to win the lottery, and I’ll choose the option that impacts other people most.

Q: Do you believe that this is something that you can accomplish?

A: Yes, I do.

Top myths about education are important.

  1. It’s the law that you have to win the lottery.
  2. You have to buy a ticket every week.
  3. If you buy a ticket, the chances of winning are very small.


In my opinion, education is a must in today’s world. Not only does it give you the skills needed to work in the workforce, but it also helps you grow and evolve as a person.

One of the ways we can learn from one another is through education. So, in this post, I will share with you some of the best educational resources for free on the internet. I will also share with you some of my favorite resources that I have found. Here are some of my top picks: What is an Educational Resource? Educational Resources are materials or information that help us learn about a particular topic. They can be books, websites, articles, videos, podcasts, and even apps.

I believe education is one of the most valuable things we can give our children. And as an adult, learning new things is what keeps us young. So, I hope you can see why education is such an important topic.