Summer is here! All you lovely ladies must be excited to put on your summer dress and have some fun outdoors. But all the fun goes away as you get the ugly tan not only in your face but also hands and feet. A suntan can be really embarrassing, especially due to dual skin tone.


It has been observed that most of the ladies are concerned about tan in their face and completely ignore their hands and feet. Sunburn on any part of the body should not be ignored as they look hideous.

How to get rid of Suntan?

Most of the ladies go for bleach and other cosmetic treatments to get rid of the tan. Such treatments might lighten the skin instantly, but they bring harm to the skin in the long run. Sunburn is stubborn. They do not go away easily, so you need some patience to deal with them. Here are a few home remedies for sun tan removal that will lighten the skin tone and restore its lost luster.


Lemon juice works wonders to remove sun tan as it has natural bleaching properties. You can directly apply the juice to the affected area, and once it dries up, wash it with water. Even the mixture of lemon juice and honey will help you in getting rid of the stubborn tan.


Cucumber is a great remedy to get rid of the tan while its cooling effect soothes the skin. The Vitamin C in the cucumber also keeps the skin moisturized. Make a face pack with cucumber, rose water, and lemon juice, and apply it to the face. Keep it for 30 minutes, and once you remove it, you will see great results.
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Tomato also works great in removing suntan. It has anti-oxidant properties, minerals, and vitamins that help in making the skin look healthy. You can make a mask by mixing tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt, and some oatmeal to remove the tan. Remove it after 5-10 minutes and get clear as well as glowing skin.


An excellent natural remedy to remove sun tan is Potato. It is rich in Vitamin C and so works as a great bleaching agent. Cut peeled potatoes and make a paste in the blender. Apply it to the affected area and wash it with cold water after 20 to 30 minutes. To get the best results to add lemon juice to the paste.

Aloe Vera

The goodness of Aloe Vera is very effective in removing sunburn and helps in lightening the skin. If it is applied directly to the affected area, it will both cleanse and nourish the skin. Use it regularly to get the best results. These homemade remedies can only be effective if you religiously follow them.