Unfortunately, life is not the utopia we all wish it could be. We can’t lie in grass fields toking away at bedazzled gem-laden bongs all day in a pro-cannabis community. We have to work, go to school, take care of various chores at home, maintain relationships with friends and family, and more often than not, we have to put conscious effort every single day into

Image result for Cheap Bongs

We are hiding our cannabis smoking habits from at least a few people daily. If you’re a part of the masses and recognize yourself in these words, you probably know that carrying around a bong in your backpack isn’t always a great idea. As some of us stoners might love our bongs, we know that we can’t usually bring our bongs out into the open throughout our everyday lives. Glass water pipes, however, have a bit more potential for this.

What’s The Difference?

    In short, the only difference is size. Anything referred to as a water pipe, not a bong, is just considered so because of its tiny stature. Glass water pipes do the same thing as bongs do, just in a much smaller context. Whether they’re shaped like a regular spoon pipe or a Gandalf pipe, if it’s a water pipe, it has a little extra chamber, usually right below the bowl, to hold some water. The water, just like in a bong, filters the smoke and smooths it out by reducing the temperature.

This works well and reduces irritation in your throat because water naturally absorbs heat more efficiently than the air, making a pretty considerable difference compared to a regular pipe. Of course, it doesn’t do it as well as a full-sized bong with percolators and ice cubes, but if you’re looking for something to travel around with throughout your average day safely, you can’t go wrong with something simple like this.

Be Careful!

    Always stay vigilant! Even if you decide to get yourself a glass water pipe instead of carrying around an actual bong, don’t feel immune to the law. You could still easily get in trouble if you attract attention to yourself and get caught using it somewhere you shouldn’t be.

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Paul R. Finney
Coffee nerd. Travel expert. Music fanatic. Hardcore bacon specialist. Beer geek. Alcohol buff. Set new standards for managing chess sets for the government. Earned praise for deploying wooden horses for farmers. Spent several months importing jack-in-the-boxes worldwide. Spent 2001-2007 getting to know tobacco in the UK. Have a strong interest in testing the market for jump ropes in Los Angeles, CA. Enthusiastic about lecturing about wieners for fun and profit.