Blogger is a great platform for bloggers to create and manage their blogs. However, it lacks visual elements such as an image slider, header banner, and other important features essential for a blogger experience website.

Have you heard about the new Google feature called “Sitemaps”? If not, here’s a quick overview of what they are and why you should use them.

Sitemaps are a simple way to help Google crawl and index your site much faster. By creating a sitemap, you can tell Google where to find the information on your site.

The first time you create a sitemap, you will need to pay a small fee to Google to submit it. But, once submitted, the price is waived.

But you don’t need to worry about paying this fee for the rest of your life. After you have submitted your first sitemap, Google will automatically notify you when it finds an update to your site.

So, once you have submitted your first sitemap, you can sit back and let Google take care of the rest.

When we build our websites for our businesses or personal use, we must work hard to ensure they work well. We want to spend time on the design, content, marketing, SEO, and customer support. But when it comes to building a website for a business that will make money, we are faced with different challenges. It’s not just about making it look pretty or converting customers into buyers. It’s about making it easy for people to find your products and services and get paid.


What is a blogger experience website?

A blogger experience website is a website designed specifically for bloggers. It’s a place where bloggers can upload their blogs, connect with other bloggers, and share articles.

As a blogger, I often look for the best way to build a blog. I’ve looked into WordPress, but it’s not always the best option.

I’ve also looked into other blogging platforms, such as Medium, which can be great for writers. But what about bloggers?

When I started blogging, I wanted something simple, easy to use, and free.

It seemed perfect.

What does it mean to build a blog site?

A blog is a place to post fresh, original content regularly. This content needs to be unique, useful, and preferably entertaining.

The content must be written in the first person. This helps keep the focus on you and allows readers to feel connected to the content.

There’s no such thing as a bad topic for a blog. So long as it’s in your niche, you can write about it.

You should avoid posting the same article multiple times on your blog.

Keep your articles short and to the point.

Create a schedule for your posts. You can write one blog post per week if you have the time.

Don’t forget to write a title for your posts.

Use the Heading Tags.

What does it mean to create a sitemap?

A sitemap is an XML file that contains a list of pages on your website. The sitemap can be created manually or automatically.

The easiest way to create a sitemap is to use a tool such as Google Sitemaps.

Google Sitemaps is a free and easy-to-use tool that makes creating a sitemap easy.

Once you’ve created your sitemap, you can submit it to Google.

When you submit your sitemap, Google will crawl your website and add the URLs to the sitemap.

Why should I use a sitemap?

A sitemap is an XML file that contains a list of pages on your website. The sitemap can be created manually or automatically.

The easiest way to create a sitemap is to use a tool such as Google Sitemaps.

Google Sitemaps is a free and easy-to-use tool that makes creating a sitemap easy.

Once you’ve created your sitemap, you can submit it to Google.

What are the best plugins to use for blogger website design?

You know how to create a blog, but what plugins are best for a blogger’s website?

There are many plugins, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses.

Below I have listed ten plugins to help you build a great blogger website.

1. Blogger Theme

It’s pretty clear from the name that it’s a theme, which is an important factor to consider.

A good theme will provide you with features such as automatic SEO, navigation menus, and other tools to help you create an amazing-looking and performing website.

2. WordPress

This is the most popular CMS (content management system) out there. There are many WordPress themes to choose from.

3. Google Analytics

I cannot stress this enough. You must have a good analytics package.

4. EasySocial

One of the best features of this plugin is that you can embed social sharing buttons on your pages.

5. WP-PageNavi

An SEO-optimized navigation menu.

6. WP-PageBuilder

PageBuilder is a fantastic tool for creating beautiful custom pages.

7. WP-PhotoGallery

This is a great way to showcase multiple images on a single page.

8. WP-News

This powerful news aggregator helps you curate the latest stories on your site.

9. WP-MetaBox

This is a useful tool for creating meta descriptions for each page.

10. Yoast SEO

This plugin can help you with SEO and meta tags, among other things.

What is the best theme to use for a blogger’s website?

As a blogger, you can use many different platforms to create a site, from WordPress to Blogger, to Wix, to Medium. And each one has its unique features.

But what is the best theme for your blog? That depends on your needs, and we’ll explain why.

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform out there. With its ease of use, free hosting, and thousands of themes, it’s easy to see why. But with such a wide variety of options, finding the right theme for your needs can be tough.

One option is to choose a free theme. But you need to be careful with this because if you don’t use the article correctly, you could end up with a broken site.

If you’re looking for a more customized experience, you might want to choose a premium theme. Premium themes are usually more expensive than their free counterparts. They also come with more support and updates.

There are a lot of different premium themes. One that stands out is It’s the official WordPress theme with all the necessary tools to get your site running.

 Frequently asked questions about Bloggers

Q: What are some of the top things you wish you had known when you first started blogging?

A: One of the things I wish I had known when I first started blogging was that it’s more than just about sharing pictures. It’s also about creating a space for people to connect with you and to help them understand who you are as a person.

Q: Why did you decide to start blogging?

A: It started as a way to share my photos and connect with others. It turned into this experience of going on adventures, learning about different cultures, and sharing what I learned.

Q: What advice would you give new bloggers?

A: I would advise new bloggers never to stop writing. You don’t have to go at 100 miles an hour all the time but always try to write at least one sentence every day.

 Top Myths About Bloggers

1. You should always have a contact form on your website.

2. You should always have a subscription form on your website.

3. Your website should always be responsive.


In conclusion, I hope I’ve inspired you to try blogging.

It’s a fantastic way to create a professional and engaging online presence without investing much time or money.

However, it’s important to remember that if you want to be successful at this, you need to put in the hard work.

In my experience, the hardest part of building a website is the initial planning.

So I’d encourage you to start small by creating a blog and then move on to your next project.