Robert Pattinson has revealed that he used to lift heavy weights as he trained for his role in “The Batman.” The actor shared a video to Instagram showing him lifting a set of dumbbells and said.

 I’ve always been fascinated with Robert Pattinson’s body. He always looks so fit, toned, and ripped when I see him on screen. He seems to have some secret workout routine that he does.

And since he’s known to be a big fitness fan, I decided to do some digging to find out his workout routine.

So I went through hours of footage and finally came across some of his workouts.

I found this footage of Rob when he was working out at a gym, and it was quite interesting. He does a lot of exercises, and I can’t help but wonder what exactly he does.

 This is the workout you need to follow if you want to know how to get a body like Robert Pattinson’s. It involves lifting weights with a sledgehammer in one hand and a broomstick in the other, smashing into the back of the broomstick. The broomstick is put on the ground if that doesn’t sound hard enough. You then jump onto the broomstick and lift the weights, with the sledgehammer smashing into the back of the broomstick repeatedly.

Robert Pattinson

How to do a Robert Pattinson Workou, it’s not hard to build resembles that resemble Robert Pattinson’s. It’s quite easy, especially if you have a good coach. But to achieve Rob’s physical fitness level, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and discipline.

It is much easier to look like Rob if you are a male model than Robert Pattinson.

Rob started working out when he was about 17 years old. He has always been very disciplined and has always loved working out. He is known for his strict workout regime and diet. He even has a personal trainer.

When you look at Rob, you notice that he is very strong. His muscles are defined, and you can easily tell he is fit.

He has the body of a natural-born athlete, and that is because he works out. He does a lot of cardio, lifting, and stretching.

But he doesn’t just work out for fun. He is a professional actor, and his body is crucial to his career. He needs to look fit and strong to can portray different characters convincingly.

Rob also works out to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He eats a well-balanced diet, and he doesn’t drink alcohol.

Rob is known for his work ethic and always striving to improve. So, we should all try to do the same.

Robert Pattinson Workout – How He Looks Now

Here are some of the exercises that I noticed that he’s doing:

  • Back Squat
  • Lunge
  • Leg Curl
  • Chest Press
  • Standing Cable Rotation
  • Sit-Up
  • Squats
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Calf Raises
  • Lying Triceps Extensions
  • Crunches
  • Pull-Ups
  • Push Ups
  • Shoulder Press
  • Bench Press
  • Plank
  • Squat
  • Hip Thrusts
  • Bicep Curls
  • Barbell Row
  • Knee Raises
  • Dumbbell Curls
  • Leg Curls
  • Triceps Extension
  • Cable Rotation
  • Hammer Curls
  • Wrist Curls
  • Overhead Dumbbell Raise
  • Standing Calf Raise
  • Band Pulls
  • Squats
  • Bench Press
  • Towel Pull
  • Sit-Ups
  • Leg Curls
  • Push Ups
  • Pistol Squats
  • Lying Triceps Extensions
  • Cable Rotation
  • Wrist Curls
  • Hammer Curls
  • Barbell Row
  • Crunches
  • Overhead Dumbbell Raise

How Robert Pattinson Lost Weight

Robert Pattinson is one of the most popular actors in Hollywood. He is considered to be a heartthrob and sex symbol. He has played the role of Edward Cullen in the Twilight film franchise.

He has also played the role of the vampire Viktor Navorski in the movie Goodfellas. His roles have made him a household name and earned him lots of money.

Cosmopolis is one of his most recent films, where he plays a billionaire.

Robert Pattinson’s workout routine

I’ve always been fascinated with Robert Pattinson’s body. HHe always looks so fit, toned, and ripped when I see him on screen when I see him on screen. He seems to have some secret workout routine that he does.

I found this footage of Rob when he was working out at a gym, and it was quite interesting. He does a lot of exercises, and I can’t help but wonder what exactly he does.

Frequently asked questions about Robert Pattinson.

Q: Robert Pattinson is known for his gorgeous looks. How did he achieve such a toned physique?

A: He started working out in high school and kept it up when he moved to Los Angeles. His training regimen includes weights, cardio, and yoga. He does cardio on a treadmill and then takes his dog for a walk. When he is not on set, he can be seen in New York City walking his dog.

Q: What’s the most important thing in working out?

A: The most important thing in working out is consistency. You cannot go on and off and expect to see results. If you want to lose weight, you need to be consistent. I always have my trainer with me and work out four times a week.

Q: What’s one of the hardest workouts for you?

A: The hardest workout for me is lifting heavy.

Top Myths About Robert Pattinson

  1. Robert Pattinson has a high metabolism.
  2. Robert Pattinson has the “body of a marathon runner”.
  3. Robert Pattinson is skinny because he’s been eating nothing.


When it comes to Robert Pattinson, the guy is quite an enigma. Most people know him as the actor who played the character in the Twilight Saga. But for those of us who watched the series, we got to see a side of him that wasn’t so easy to love.

He was an arrogant prick with a reputation for being a bad boy. So the idea that he’s now working hard to transform himself into a model of health and fitness is nothing short of surprising.

I would say that this is the best thing to happen to Robert Pattinson. He’s a man who has always been rather self-conscious about his body. And now, he’s finally learning to love it.

It all started when he appeared on The Today Show, discussing how he’s been making positive changes in his life. He’s been going to the gym, he said, and “doing yoga and Pilates.” He even revealed that he’s also been doing some “body sculpting”. The actor even went so far as to admit that he used to be ashamed of his body. But now, he’s happy with what he looks like.