Every student out there wants to study to be able to achieve excellent marks in the exam. But the level of hard work and effort applied for the preparation differs in the case of different students resulting in achieving good or average marks in the exam. Sometimes students who work hard fail to achieve good marks, but those who study less manage to achieve good marks. Have you ever asked yourself, why is it so?
The answer is, achieving good marks in exams depends directly on how effectively and efficiently you are studying. And the key to studying effectively is learning how to study smarter, but not harder. This becomes more real when you proceed further in your education. An hour or two of studying a day is generally sufficient to make it through high school with satisfactory grades, but when you move to college, there aren’t enough hours in the day to study and complete your whole syllabus if you don’t know how to study smarter. Hence, to successfully achieve good marks, you should gradually develop and apply good study habits.
- Plan a strategy to study: Students who don’t study regularly and are fickle-minded typically do not perform well as students who have a study schedule. Hence, you will get time to revise the learned topics and know where you are lagging. It is advised to make a study strategy devoting specific times for each subject, plan it for the whole week, and stick to it. This way, you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your education long-term.
- Always Start with the Most Difficult Subject: You should always start studying with the most difficult subject as it needs special attention and focus. Once you’ve completed the most difficult one, you will feel confident to attend to any question regarding that particular chapter. Then it will be much easier for you to complete the rest of your tasks, and you can also concentrate well on the easier topics like gravitation, logarithm, and much more.
- Make Sure you are not Distracted While Studying: You will get distracted while learning for some other reason, whether it is due to the mobile phone or family or it’s just a quiet place. The moment you get distracted, you lose the flow of the study, and you will also lose focus, leading to a lack of concentration and ineffective studying. So, it is good to choose a suitable place for yourself before you start studying where you won’t be distracted.
- Don’t Forget to Revise: After coming back from school, make a habit of revising and clearing all the doubts about the subjects that have been taught in your school on the same day. Because your understanding of those subjects will be fresh and will help you etch those topics in your mind for a long time. This is the easiest way to master difficult topics like electrostatics, respiration, differentiation, etc.
Being dedicated and focused on your study will definitely lead you to achieve good marks. But you should also follow a smart approach to gear up the speed of preparation for the exam.
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