Talkspace is revolutionizing the therapy industry. With this digital health company, you can access a legitimate therapist anytime and anywhere you are. This system does not need you to get an appointment with a therapist, fall in line, and coordinate your schedule and all sorts of inconveniences associated with having a therapy session. No hassle, no inconvenience, and all within your chosen parameters.

Image result for Medical Officer

This authentic therapy provider has just hired Neil Leibowitz as its first chief medical officer. Leibowitz is coming to Talkspace from serving as senior behavioral medical director in UnitedHealth Group for state and community in New York. This online therapy group provides its clients access to legitimate therapists through its website and mobile apps.

Any person can choose from several options when talking with a therapist. He can choose to have a session online through video chats or the phone or send and receive text messages. This is a clear departure from the conventional therapy session, where you must schedule an appointment before seeing a therapist. You have to wait in line, and you need to pay a good sum of money.

With this online therapy provider, there are no such things. It is a very convenient way to hold a therapy session, especially for the patient or client. And the fee is very affordable. It is only a fraction of what you normally pay if you ask for a typical therapy session.

Leibowitz admitted over the phone that many therapists still prefer to do it the traditional way. But this innovative therapy is about to change all that. This is a form of treatment that is more patient-centered. It puts the considerations of the patient above the convenience of the therapist. In this therapy, a patient can access a therapist when he needs one and where he is most convenient – not in the sanctity of the therapist’s abode.

According to Leibowitz, he discovered that large numbers of people are not favorable of the traditional therapy approach. This is why his online therapy sessions offer these people the chance to have their treatments on their terms. He claimed that it shows technology’s role is to support physicians and not to replace them. Unlike traditional therapists, Leibowitz doesn’t see this new form of therapy as a threat but as valuable and beneficial to patients and therapists alike.

As the chief medical officer of Talkspace, Leibowitz sees himself helping the firm achieve its goals and expand its psychiatric services by the end of 2018. In real terms, he wants to offer a way by which patients will also be provided with their required medications. This would significantly expand the customer base of his online therapy group.

Medical insurance has to be brought in to be able to achieve this objective. So far, only Magellan Insurance provides reimbursements for the services rendered by this online therapy company. This is done through the insurance firm’s Employee Assistance Program.

At some point in the future, Leibowitz sees his online therapy group collaborating with primary care practices. This will align with his company’s objective to expand its services through Congress and other health tech companies.